10 Books To Help You Get Back In Shape For A Healthier, Longer, More Vibrant Life
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#1 Your Best Body at 40+: The 4-Week Plan to Get Back in Shape–and Stay Fit Forever!
By: The Editors of Men’s Health
The decade of your 40s is “the crucial decade”–the greatest opportunity you’ll ever have to shed pounds, build new muscle, and discover a leaner, fitter, happier you. Revolutionary new science shows that you can build and maintain your best body ever–and outlive, outwit, and outlast men half your age–if you tap into the special powers of you in your prime.
#2 How Not to Die: Discover the Foods Scientifically Proven to Prevent and Reverse Disease
By: Michael Greger MD & Gene Stone
From the physician behind the wildly popular website Nutrition Facts, How Not to Die reveals the groundbreaking scientific evidence behind the only diet that can prevent and reverse many of the causes of disease-related death.
#3 Fill Your Mind Before You Fill Your Plate: How to get in shape, be fitter and live a longer, happier, healthier lifestyle by using mindfulness to change your mindset.
By: Faisal Alshawa
This is a guide to achieving a longer, happier, healthier lifestyle by using mindfulness techniques to create a health mindset. Fill Your Mind Before You Fill Your Plate will show you how to make achievable changes in the key areas of your life so you can create and maintain good health and live a healthier lifestyle.
#4 The Simple Six: The Easy Way to Get in Shape and Stay in Shape for the Rest of your Life
By: Clinton Dobbins
The Simple Six is an innovative new workout program designed to provide maximum results with the least amount of effort. Free of all the usual filler and hype, The Simple Six is a real program, for real people, offering real results.
#5 Walking for Health and Fitness: The Easiest Way to Get in Shape and Stay in Shape
By: Frank S. Ring
Walking for Health and Fitness gives you specific steps to take to get moving today and keep you moving well into the future. Its 170-pages were designed to be read quickly, highlight the benefits of walking, and most importantly… get you out the door walking!
#6 Get Back In Shape: How To Form the Habits To Make It Happen This Time (Get Back In Shape, Habits, Breaking Bad Habits, Creating Good Habits, Goals, Personal Transformation, Self Improvement)
By: Michael Roberts
You are about to discover the secret to finally getting back in shape. Hint – it’s not in the diet or exercise plan you choose! It is in your health and fitness habits. Learn how to create lasting habits and break the bad habits that hold you back which will lead to you becoming the person you want to be, and getting you in the shape you deserve to be in.
#7 The Healthspan Solution: How and What to Eat to Add Life to Your Years: 100 Easy, Whole-Food Recipes
By: Raymond J. Cronise
In The Healthspan Solution, they share the simple and effective diet that has allowed their clients to lose weight, reverse disease, reduce or eliminate medication use, and achieve optimal health.
#8 Age Later: Health Span, Life Span, and the New Science of Longevity
By: M.D. Barzilai & Nir
In Age Later, Dr. Barzilai reveals the secrets his team has unlocked about SuperAgers and the scientific discoveries that show we can mimic some of their natural resistance to the aging process. This eye-opening and inspirational book will help you think of aging not as a certainty, but as a phenomenon—like many other diseases and misfortunes—that can be targeted, improved, and even cured.
#9 Committed to Wellness, Fitness and a Healthy Lifestyle: How to Unleash Your Inner Motivation, Change Your Mindset and Transform Your Body Fast!
By: D. S. Grant
This Book examines Longevity in every sense of the word. A long and healthy life is sought by all, but few are willing to pay the price. The book looks at the top killers which prevent some people from living past middle age.
#10 The New Health Rules: Simple Changes to Achieve Whole-Body Wellness
By: Frank Lipman & Danielle Claro
Frank Lipman, M.D., is one of the country’s top pioneers in the field of integrative medicine. A leading international speaker on health and wellness, he has been featured in Men’s Health, Vogue, Men’s Journal, Redbook, and Martha Stewart Living. He is a regular contributor to Goop and The Huffington Post, and he writes a daily blog for his own site, Dr.FrankLipman.com.
Out of 200+ books in my house, these are the 10 that I would recommend every [INSERT TARGET AUDIENCE] have in their library. I hope you’ve found this list valuable.
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Herman Schirg
Founder of Fitness Renewal
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