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Here are some posts that you might like!

The Basic Principles of Superfoods

The Basic Principles of Superfoods

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected billions of people around the world, enforcing a strict quarantine and other precautionary measures. If you have been following this issue closely, you would know that the immune system is the most important factor that protects our bodies from this deadly virus.

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Benefits of Strength Training

Benefits of Strength Training

Overview There is a common misconception that strength training (a.k.a resistance training) and muscle building is exclusive for athletes and young adults who want to show off their abs.

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Top Benefits Of Intermittent Fasting

Top Benefits Of Intermittent Fasting

Overview Over the past few years, several diets gained massive popularity, only to lose it after a few months. However, intermittent fasting has been steadily on the rise for more than two decades.

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How to Increase Energy and Boost Your Stamina

How to Increase Energy and Boost Your Stamina

Overview Stamina is defined as the ability to perform a certain physical or mental task without quickly getting exhausted. Our new lifestyle requires a lot of stamina to keep up with the increasing physical and mental demands of the workplace and society

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Top Foods That Can Help You Lose Fat

Top Foods That Can Help You Lose Fat

ntroduction Obesity has become a global health issue with severe mortality and morbidity. According to the world health organization, obesity-related deaths exceed the number of people who die from famine! Many people associate obesity with the number that the scale shows.

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Helpful Tips To Reduce Back Pain

Helpful Tips To Reduce Back Pain

Overview Back pain is a common chief complaint seen in hospitals and private clinics. The prevalence of acute back pain is extremely high with some institutions, such as the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)

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Brain Boosters

Brain Boosters

Overview There are thousands of advertisers in the market that claim their products can improve brain activity and cognition. Unfortunately, most of these products have no effect on the brain, and there is no science to back up their statements.

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Six Proven Ways to Live Healthier

Six Proven Ways to Live Healthier

Start by Preventing Cancer and Heart Disease Now! Do you want to live forever? I don’t think any of us really want to live forever (unless you’re addicted to one of those teenage vampire movies!). But we also don’t want to cut our time short on this glorious world.

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